Spine surgery

You are suffering from vertebral pain or low back pain?

The vertebral column is very frequently the origin of pain, restriction of mobility and influencis daily life activity. Befor an adequate treatment a complete diagnostic work up is necessary to identify the reason of pain and its treatment options.
The most frequent pathologies are vertebral disc herniation or protrusion, vertebral disc degeneration (osteochondrosis), narrowing of the spinal canal (vertebrostenosis), osteoarthritis of the facett joints (spondylarthrosis). The first clinical examination often gives a clear impression of the resent diagnosis. Additional x-rays, CT - or MRI investigations complete the diagnosis and demonstrate its severness. Please bring films, that have been done so far, with you.
In most cases, surgery is not the first treatment of choice. More frequently, physiotherapy, exercises and strengthening of the vertebral muscles can significantly reduce pain and improve daily life activity.

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