How to find the office

Confraternität Privatklinik Josefstadt

The office is located at the "Ordinationszentrum" of the hospital Confraternität Privatklinik Josefstadt, 1080 Wien,
Skodagasse 3 (glass tower, 1F) - barrier free entrance and lift for disabled patients
Bus 13 A or tram 43 und 44 directly in front
Taxis are available nearby
Patient transports may stop at dedicated areas

Ordination Orthopädisches Spital Speising

The office is located in the Orthopädisches Spital Speising, Speisinger Strasse 109, 1130 Wien,
Pav. Steyl, 3F, office Prim.Univ.Prof.Dr.Martin Dominkus
Lifts are located in the main hall, wheelchairs for disabled patients are available at the reception

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